Carol Herbert Photo Prints Photographer

Photo Prints

I offer a range of options for displaying your images ranging from standard photo prints for using in your own frames to ready-to-hang prints and canvases, as well as photo books and gift items.

Listed below are a few of the more popular options.

Standard Photo Prints

Printed on professional colour paper from the Fuji Crystal Archive Range available in either gloss or lustre finish to keep, display in the frame of your choice or pass on to friends and family. A white or black 1/4" border can be added to your photograph prior to printing at no additional cost if you are wanting to display it in a frame with a mount, thus ensuring none of the image is lost.
Gloss Finish - a premium paper which highlights the colour to give images more contrast and a deep, punchier feel, whilst maintaining tonal properties and accurate reproduction. Image showing Fuji Gloss prints
Lustre Finish - The paper is coated with a soft, flecked texture giving a natural photographic finish with subtle colour. This versatile paper maintains colour in a natural way, giving a beautifully detailed, photographic reproduction. Image showing Fuji Lustre prints

Dibond Mounted Ready-to-Hang Prints

Your image is printed onto professional, archive quality Fotospeed 275gsm Paper in a Lustre finish and then fixed to a 3mm thick Dibond mount consisting of a slim aluminium panel mounted on to a strong, light and flat black acrylic base and laminated to protect against UV rays and fingerprints.
Images are printed edge to edge, however a border can be added to your image prior to printing in any width or colour if required at no additional cost.
This is a non flexible material and comes fitted with a subframe ready for you to hang - adjustable wall hangers are concealed within the subframe and will attached easily to any hook or screw. Image showing Dibond ready to hang photo prints
The hangers allow for 10mm of adjustment both vertically and horizontally so you can be sure your image is perfectly straight - and provides a lighter alternative to traditional framing. Image showing Dibond ready to hang photo prints

Canvas Prints

Your image printed onto finely textured 400gsm, 100% pure cotton canvas to the highest possible quality and resolution. Hand stretched over a 38mm deep made-to-measure knotless pine stretcher bar frame guaranteed not to warp or bow, that is milled with a curved profile to minimise contact with the face of the canvas and prevent unsightly impression marks and surface cracking. Choice of edging from black, white or standard image wrap. Image showing canvas photo print

Framed Prints

Your image printed onto Hahnemuhle Photo Lustre paper - a smooth paper with a semi-gloss, velvet finish to give long-lasting and fade resistent prints. Framed in a hand made, all-wood classic frame in a choice of 3 colours (black, natural and white) which comes complete with a precision cut, acid-free 1400 micron board mount and glazed with Acrylic Plexiglass to provide increased UV protection and less glare than float glass. Image showing framed print

Photo Books

Turn your images into your very own coffee table book! Containing 20 to 160 pages you won't be short on space if you want to have one image per page. Alternatively you choose the number of pages for your budget and I will produce a layout for your images which you can view prior to printing. Classic matted photo albums are also available with linen or real leather covers ideal for weddings or christenings. Image showing photo books